
What’s the market for Caregiver & CNA Recruitment in Charlotte?

Sep 20, 2017 10:08:00 AM

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As a Senior Director here at myCNAjobs I have the pleasure of talking with agency owners and recruiters from all across the country. One of the biggest questions I hear is “What do you see happening in my market?” While there are trends and challenges that spread nationwide, it is true that each market is unique. While doing a webinar on Hiring CNAs in Charlotte, I picked out a few interesting pieces of information on Charlotte caregiver recruitment.

Over half the market is uncertified

52% of caregivers are uncertified and looking for companion work. If your agency is only hiring CNAs for cases that could be handled by an uncertified worker, you may be cutting out a large portion of your market.

35% of caregivers have less than 1 year of experience

An experienced caregiver is always a great thing to have, but if you have a high experience requirement you may be missing out on a ton of great caregivers near you! We’ve seen lots of agencies develop training programs to capture new caregivers and help them learn to be the best employees they can be!

More caregivers are looking for full time work than part time work

It’s always tough to find the balance between caregivers and clients, and making sure you have enough hours to offer your current staff. In Charlotte we see 77% of caregivers CNAs interested in full time work, compared to 70% part time. What we can gain from this insight is that the ability offer caregivers more hours can be seen as a big plus. If your agency can offer better or more desirable hours than a competitor, you may have an advantage in recruiting and retaining talent!

If you want to see more insights for Hiring Caregivers in Charlotte, be sure to watch the Charlotte Recruitment Trends Webinar Replay. You can also learn more about how our recruitment resources are helping agencies in your area here.

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Maggie Keen

Written by Maggie Keen

Maggie Keen is Vice President at myCNAjobs and a national caregiver recruitment speaker.

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