
Caregiver and CNA Recruitment Hindered by Poor Communication

Mar 28, 2018 5:14:17 PM

Out of all the different steps in the Caregiver and CNA recruitment process, it may be most difficult to lose a candidate at the end. Having a qualified candidate who comes in for an interview, seems to be a great fit, then never makes it to their first case can be disheartening. With each new step in the recruitment process some candidates are bound to drop off, but losing those who have made it through to the end is the most devastating - and the most preventable. Did you know 24% of Caregivers report companies do a poor job of communicating the next step in the hiring process after the interview? Here are a few common areas where better communication when recruiting CNAs can lead to more hires.

Time Frame

Let Caregivers know an approximate time frame. Quick processing times are vital to hiring Caregivers, but it's also important to communicate an estimated time window to the Caregiver. Let them know how long the process usually takes and if there are any steps they can take to expedite it (for example, submitting references or other materials quickly).


Required Checks/Documents

If you require steps to be taken by the candidate between the interview and orientation, it’s important these are clearly laid out for the Caregiver. Best practice is to be able to handle as many parts of the onboarding process in-office, but for anything else make sure the Caregiver is clear on what needs to be done. Offer assistance throughout the process in any way that you can, and consider distributing a step-by-step guide if possible. Remember the motto for best results in home care recruitment: Assist, don’t eliminate.


Orientation Details

It’s a good idea to make sure the Caregiver is clear on the details of orientation. When is the next one being held? Where will it take place? At what time? These little points of clarity can help keep the candidate engaged and lower the chance of them falling off.



Lastly, don’t forget about showing your interest. Caregiver recruitment can be a taxing role, but making sure Caregivers know you have a real interest in them is a must. Try and make them feel like your agency is interested in them personally as well. The more they feel like you want them to work for you, not just any Caregiver, the more likely they’ll stay engaged through the whole process.


Remember, on average these Caregivers are receiving 3 or more calls a week for work. In the time between the interview and their first shift, they’ll get multiple calls from competitors offering them other opportunities for work. The more engaged you can keep these candidates through good communication practices, the better your Caregiver, HHA, and CNA recruitment will be. To help keep recruiters and Caregivers on the same page, we’ve developed a free resource for your agency to use. The Interview to Hire Guide is available for free download below.


DOWNLOAD Interview to Hire Guide


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Maggie Keen

Written by Maggie Keen

Maggie Keen is Vice President at myCNAjobs and a national caregiver recruitment speaker.

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