
Recruiting CNAs and Caregivers: Why 1 in 5 Candidates Aren’t Calling Back

Feb 20, 2018 4:02:37 PM

As new continue to collect data on Recruiting CNAs and Caregivers, it’s becoming more and more clear the role that an agency’s brand reputation plays on their ability to hire Caregivers. We gave an overview of different types of brands in our previous post A Competitive Brand Will Drive Recruitment Performance: Where Does Your Agency Rank?. In this post we’ll dive deeper into what it means for Caregivers to recognize your brand at all. The latest research shows 19% of Caregivers won’t call a recruiter back if they’ve never heard of the agency before.

This can make things challenging for a new agency trying to recruit Caregivers, or if your agency is expanding services into a new area of town. We’re finding this isn’t just the case with new agencies, however. Even those who may have been in business for a while aren’t known to everyone in their market. With nearly 1 in 5 Caregivers only replying to agencies they’re familiar with, it’s an important part of Caregiver, HHA, and CNA recruitment to build your brand amongst Caregivers much like you would amongst clients.

There are a number of ways to make your agency known. The number one way is of course through word of mouth, by treating your Caregivers well and making sure you have a positive candidate experience for those going through your Caregiver and CNA recruitment process. You can also remain active with local CNA schools, community health events, and keep updated social media profiles. It also helps to have a welcoming website for Caregivers who may be trying to learn more about your agency. The more you can do to make your agency known in the Caregiver community, the more likely you are to get responses when hiring CNAs and Caregivers.

If you’re interested to learn how your agency is viewed today, myCNAjobs created a home care recruiting tool called the Caregiver Insight Engine to deliver feedback directly from Caregivers. It tells you how many Caregivers aren’t interested in working for you - and why. 

Learn More About The Caregiver Insight Engine 


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Maggie Keen

Written by Maggie Keen

Maggie Keen is Vice President at myCNAjobs and a national caregiver recruitment speaker.

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